Lets get Personal…

Through a personalized experience of Sequim. Discover new people and business’s. Open your horizons and give yourself a new relationship with our community and ultimately a better life experience.

This site will be a local tastemaker curated spot for experiences and people to meet. Learn their stories and support their business. Building your community and diving into local resources for a fuller life.

Sequim Local is all about highlighting people who are actively helping themselves. Sharing what is ready and available to us in our community. Adding more value to the Sequim locals.

My Approach

I’m a people person, I like people and I like to help them. I am keen on helping those who are helping themselves and raise the bar for them where I can.

Dream it

Business’s are peoples dreams. They are in turn paying others to help build that dream. Or are serving our community themselves. Let’s support that kind of journey by participating and closing the circle.

Do it

A firm believer you get out what you put in. Let’s apply that same philosophy to our community. Building a thriving community together.